Notices eTendering System Government of Puducherry
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
DSC Related
Tender Related
Security Related
1. How secure are my bid documents in the e-Procurement portal? Can anybody see my price bid before bid opening ?

All sensitive documents in the e-tendering site are encrypted and stored in the server using the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology. Both the Technical and Financial Documents are encrypted and stored. Even the system administrator cannot view the bid documents before bid opening. Only after decryption by the authorized bid openers the documents are converted into readable format.
2. Can bids be modified / withdrawn and conditions thereto. Is it not contrary to GFR-2005 ?

The e-Procurement system allows the bidders to modify and resubmit their bid documents before the 'closing date and time for bid submission' for the tender. After the closing date of bid submission, the bidders are not allowed to make any changes to their bid documents. Further, the option for the bidders to withdraw or resubmit their bids is optional, and it is upto the procuring entity to enable these options in the system on a case to case basis for each tender. The System will overwrite the old bids and only the latest uploaded document is retained. If you are resubmitting even a single document, the entire packet is to be resubmitted. Hence, it is within the purview of GFR-2005.
3. What precaution needs to be taken to submit online bids in the e-procurement system ?

Please prepare your documents well in advance and submit your documents well before the closing date and time. While scanning your documents (Scan in 75-100 DPI resolution) try to keep file size small so that bid submission is smooth. Also in the BOQ enter values only in the appropriate space provided. Do not make any change in file name or sheet name. If you are not able to submit at the last minute due to local power problem or internet problem, you may loose a chance to participate.
4. Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) , Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB) issues guidelines on security from time to time. Whether this portal adhere to these ?

Yes. To a greater extent the guidelines are followed and the system adheres to more than 95% of the guidelines issued by these agencies from time to time.
Foreign Bidders Related
User Account Related
Mobile App Related
Bid Openers Related
Visitor No:269723
Contents owned and maintained by concerned Departments in coordination with Core Committee (e-Procurement), e-Procurement Cell, Govt.of Puducherry