Notices eTendering System Government of Puducherry
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
DSC Related
Tender Related
Security Related
Foreign Bidders Related
User Account Related
Mobile App Related
1. What all would be available in the app? ?

App will eventually contain all the tender details and its related corrigendums. It will have the Tender Status, Upcoming Events, any Alerts pertaining to the tender as well as portal. It will also have a web link which will land the user to the respective portal.
2. Where do I give my feedback/suggestions? ?

Under the menu given on the left had side, Feedback option is there. You may give your feedback/suggestion from there.
3. How do I change the language? ?

Go to the icon given on the top right corner of the app and select the language of your choice.
4. How do I search for tender of a particular organization ? ?

Go to the search tab on the bottom; Select the organization name and then search. It will list all the active tenders for the selected organization.
5. I am having trouble in installing the app? ?

Please check your phone’s OS version to ensure that it is compatible with the Android: Google Play Store, iOS: App Store, Windows: Windows Store Still if you are facing any problem, Make sure you are connected to the internet with a strong signal or a Wi-Fi connection. Your installation may not complete if the internet disconnects during the download. Switch off and switch on your phone and try installing again. Make sure that you have enough memory on your phone to install the app. You can free up storage space.
6. How do I login in Mobile App? ?

Your login ID and Password on the GePNIC portal will be used for login in Mobile App.
Bid Openers Related
Visitor No:269723
Contents owned and maintained by concerned Departments in coordination with Core Committee (e-Procurement), e-Procurement Cell, Govt.of Puducherry